Editorial Team
Nikolai Lebovka
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Head of Laboratoty of Physical Chemistry of Disperse Minerals
Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute named after F.D. Ovcharenko, National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine
Contacts and personal data: Born: May 15, 1954, Kiev, Ukraine E-mail: lebovka@gmail.com
Scopus author identifier 7004237988
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nikolai-Lebovka
Academia.edu https://efifje.academia.edu/NikolaiLebovka
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=ZcNGRYkAAAAJ&hl=uk
Home: 18a, Myhailivska Str., apt.2, 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine
Work: Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute, NAS of Ukraine, 42, Vernadskii av., 03142, Kyiv, Ukraine
Principal Research Interests:
1. Physics of Soft Condensed Matter and Colloids: Nanocomposites filled with nanotubes and clays, their electric and rheological behaviour. Structure and properties of confined fluids. Nuclear magnetic resonance of water in disordered systems. Oswald ripening and coalescence in emulsion systems.
2. Statistical and Computational Physics: Problems of percolation and jamming in anisotropic and confined systems. Simulation of dielectric breakdown, brittle fracture and crack propagation, pattern growth emulsion systems stability, acid activation of minerals, porous media formation, aggregation of particles, deposition processes.
3. Electroporation phenomena and application of pulsed electric fields (PEF) for plasmolysis of biological tissues.
- Doctor of Science, January, 1995. Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Diploma, Speciality: Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics and Colloidal Chemistry, These "Random Fields Distribution in Heterogeneous Systems".
- Ph.D., Physics, March, 1986. Kiev State University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Diploma, Speciality: Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics, These "Structure and properties of boundary layers of water"
- M.A., Physics, June, 1976. Kiev State University, Honour Diploma, Speciality: Optics and Spectroscopy, These "NMR Spectroscopy of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals "