Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: After registration I am not able to upload new articles. How can I submit an article?
A: You forget to check the “Author” radio button during the registration. To correct this problem, go to your profile at https://cmpj2.icmp.lviv.ua/index.php/cmpj/user/profile and under your “Roles” check the “Author” radio button. Do not forget to save your profile when finish.

Q: I have filled in all text boxes in the submission form of my article or of my review report and after submitting it the system just hangs. After reloading the web page, the entered data disappear.
A: It happens when you enter in the text box, type-in or copy-paste, the Unicode symbols absent in the UTF-8 encoding. Please, avoid such symbols!
E.g., the Mathematical Italic Capital N (U+1D441) N belongs to the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols from the Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane which needs five bytes and is not covered by the UTF-8 encoding. It must be replaced by common N.