When correlations exceed system size: finite-size scaling in free boundary conditions above the upper critical dimension
universality, finite-size scaling, upper critical dimensionAbstract
We progress finite-size scaling in systems with free boundary conditions above their upper critical dimension, where in the thermodynamic limit critical scaling is described by mean-field theory. Recent works show that the correlation length is not bound by the system's physical size, a belief that long held sway. Instead, two scaling regimes can be observed — at the critical and pseudo-critical temperatures. We demonstrate that both are manifest for free boundaries. We use numerical simulations of the d = 5 Ising model to analyse the magnetization, susceptibility, magnetization Fourier modes and the partition function zeros. While some of the response functions hide the dual finite-size scaling, the precision enabled by the analysis of Lee–Yang zeros allows this be brought to the fore. In particular, finite-size scaling of leading zeros at the pseudo-critical point confirms recent predictions coming from correlations exceeding the system size. This paper is dedicated to Jaroslav Ilnytskyi on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
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