Dimerizing hard spherocylinders in porous media





patchy colloids, spherocylinders, dimerization, disordered porous media, geometrical porosity, probe particle porosity


This research focuses on the unique phase behavior of non-spherical patchy colloids in porous environments. Based on the theory of scaled particle (SPT), methods have been refined and applied to analyze the thermodynamic properties of non-spherical patchy particles in a disordered porous medium. Utilizing the associative theory of liquids in conjunction with SPT, we investigated the impact of associative interactions and connections between the functional nodes of particles on the formation of the nematic phase. Calculations of orientational and spatial distributions were conducted, which helped to understand the phase behavior of particles during the transition from isotropic to nematic phase under the spatial constraints imposed by the disordered matrix of the porous medium.


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How to Cite

V. I. Shmotolokha and M. F. Holovko, “Dimerizing hard spherocylinders in porous media”, Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 27, no. 1, p. 13607, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.5488/cmp.27.13607.

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