Plasmonic resonances in the chain of spheroidal metallic nanoparticles on the dielectric substrate
prolate metallic spheroids, chains of nanoparticles, dielectric substrate, chain polarizability tensor, plasmonic resonance, chain sumsAbstract
The optical and plasmonic properties of the chains of prolate metallic spheroids of the dielectric substrate are studied in the work using the local field approximation. The case when spheroids are arranged in such a way that their major semi-axis belongs to the substrate plane is considered. The relations for the transverse component of the chain polarizability tensor and the frequency of the transverse chain resonance are obtained. The comparative analysis of spectral shifts of the maxima of the imaginary part of the transverse chain polarizability and the polarizability of isolated prolate spheroid is performed. The influence of the variation of the material of particles in the chain and the dielectric environment on the location of the maxima of the imaginary part of the transverse polarizability is studied. The limits of applicability of the theory proposed in the paper are established.
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Copyright (c) 2024 M. S. Maniuk, A. V. Korotun, V. I. Reva, I. M. Titov

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